Legal notice

Website carrier

Schill GmbH & Co. KG
Bruckstr. 44
D-70734 Fellbach
Phone: (07 11) 57 88 07-0
Fax: (07 11) 57 88 07-44

Managing director: Ingo Schill
Register court small-claims court Stuttgart:
HRA 260540
VAT No.: DE 147 222 838

Unlimited partner

Schill Verwaltungs-GmbH
Bruckstr. 44
D-70734 Fellbach
Phone: (07 11) 57 88 07-0
Fax: (07 11) 57 88 07-44

Managing director: Ingo Schill
Register court small-claims court Stuttgart:
HRB 261228
VAT No.: DE 147 222 838

Legal notes

These notes apply to the access and the use of the material on this website. It is your obligation to inform all people of these notes who access this material for you.


This website is protected by copyright, rights to intellectual property and all other corresponding rights. The site is published by Schill GmbH & Co. KG and may only be reproduced by downloading and displaying on an individual computer and/or by an individual print-out for private or internal business use. The site may not be reproduced, transmitted or made available in a network in any other manner without the prior written authorisation of Schill GmbH & Co. KG. All further rights are reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, the trademarks, logos and service marks which are shown on the site are trademarks of Schill GmbH & Co. KG. No rights exist to use these marks without the written authorisation of Schill GmbH & Co. KG. Every infringement of the rights of Schill GmbH & Co. KG shall result in corresponding legal steps. If you require further information, please direct your inquiry to

Liability, use and framing

This website merely serves by way of information. Schill GmbH & Co. KG has comiled the contents of this site with due care and knowledge, but, however, assumes no guarantee, neither expressly nor implicitly, for the nature or correctness of the website material and assumes no liability (including liability for indirect loss or profit or turnover losses) regarding the material or the use of this material. All links to this site must be directed to Please do not create any direct links to other pages of this website. Schill GmbH & Co. KG assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the access to or the material in websites which are accessed from this site via a link.

Legal exclusion clause

The customer comments on articles reproduced on this site are third-party contents for Schill GmbH & Co. KG which exclusively represent the personal opinion of the respective sender. Schill GmbH & Co. KG is in no way responsible for the contents of customer comments.